Tuesday, April 29, 2014


i don't know who still reads this blog, but i thought i should at least write a post to say...

baby #3 is on the way!

this is a surprise baby - ha! we were shocked to find out that i was pregnant and are still a bit shocked, all these weeks later. i am now 13 weeks along and due november 2.

i was really sick until about two weeks ago and am thankful to be feeling more like myself these days. it's all a bit overwhelming, and exciting, and more overwhelming and more exciting. i often think to myself, "THREE? and this close together? how?" but the reality is, many have done it before us and survived, and many have even had three at once, so we will be okay i think.

our house will just be louder, more chaotic, messier, and more joyful and full of life!


  1. Ahhhh!!! Yaaaayyyyy!! We'll take as many miniJeremyGraces as we can get. :)


  2. Woo Hooo!!!! Congratulations!! That is such wonderful news!!!

  3. You look GREAT!! I can't believe you're 30 weeks in this picture. I think I look the same as you at 27! I'm so happy for the ways in which God has been providing for you and I'm eager to hear about this new house. Yay for stability! Do you think you'll have this little one early? Were the other two late or on time? Can't remember...
