Sunday, August 18, 2013

budding artist

we have a budding artist on our hands. love is starting to draw lots of pictures and is able to tell us what they are drawings of. it is so entertaining to see what she comes out with!

this morning on the way to church she was drawing on her mini magna doodle in her carseat. we heard her giggle and say, "heehee...and there's a beard".

and then she showed us her work of art. cleverly titled, "reindeer daddy".

we loved it!

her artistic mood continued after we got home when she drew this picture:

she said, "it's a picture of mommy crying because daddy hit her."

WHAT? for the record...jeremy does NOT EVER hit me. well...except for this last week...he accidentally hit me in the face twice in the car when reaching into the backseat to get something. i didn't cry either time, but i will admit that i got pretty mad when it happened the second time (two days after the first). all is resolved, but unfortunately it must have made an impact on love.

hopefully she didn't draw any pictures like that in her sunday school class this morning!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

new house tour {jobot's bedroom / the guest room and full bathroom}

{ jobot's room / guest room }

- 2 windows with nice view into backyard, lots of natural light
- nice color on the walls
- large room
- seems to be the coolest room in the house

- very small closet
- random stuff being stored in this room because there is nowhere else to put it
- mirror on dresser is really dirty. i should probably wash that.

jobot's room doubles as the guest room, so when we have company, he sleeps in a portable crib in our room. we did the same thing at our old house, only his bedroom there was tiny, so it is really nice to have a bigger space for a shared bedroom/guestroom. i would love to decorate the walls a bit more in this room. i have a few trains that i would love to put on a shelf on the wall somewhere, and i would also like to put some art on the walls. i have lots of ideas for this room, but no budget to do anything with blank walls they will stay for now. that's okay.

{ full bathroom }

- this room has a working toilet, bathtub/shower, and sink
- recent installation of ceiling fan
- cute curtain sewed by me (i do not like mini blinds. they are fine in other people's houses, but i just don't like looking at them all the time in my own...i would much prefer a curtain on my windows.)

- this room is narrow and tiny
- there was clearly a problem with mold before as there are mold stains on the ceiling and walls. we scrubbed it all down after we moved in.
- the caulking around the bathtub looks gross
- toilet flushes very slowly and uses a lot of water
- didn't have a door when we moved in (jeremy found the door in a backyard shed and put it on)

this isn't the greatest bathroom, but it is functional, so we'll call it good.

the tovah song

this morning we were listening to one of love's favorite songs in the car - "days of elijah". i think she likes it because it is so repetitive and she can pick up on the words. they repeat the phrase, "there is no God like Jehovah" over and over and over and over, and just when i think they're almost done, they go through the whole thing over again.

for the longest time, she has called it "the tovah song", which we think is adorable.

this morning she piped up from the backseat and asked, "mommy, why is there no God like Jehovah?"

whoa. so we had a little chat about how God is the only God and he is is a good God and there aren't any other Gods except him. and then an ambulance went by and we got distracted.

later, at lunch, i was telling the story to love had asked me that question and how i had answered. love was sitting at the table and was paying attention to what i was saying.

she thought for a moment and said in a matter-of-fact voice, "yes daddy. there is only ONE God in our family."

Monday, August 12, 2013


there was...

- a fight with a cockroach in our living room. jeremy won.

-  one night of little sleep thanks to love waking up numerous times during the night. jeremy got up with her every time, and then he let me sleep in! isn't he amazing?

- a cold that had me feeling a bit under the weather (hence, the sleeping in).

- laundry done.

- homemade cheesecake eaten.

- friday night pizza night. and then sunday night pizza night, because we just felt like having it twice. homemade whole wheat dough for jeremy and the kids, wheat-free almond flour dough for me.

 - a couple of gin & tonics consumed. we've always had those for happy hour with my felt a little like home.

 - a visit to the indoor playground at the mall.

- a lowes build and grow workshop attended by jeremy and love. they made an airplane and she is so proud.

 - two afternoon visits to chik-fil-a for a snack for the kids (mini-ice cream sundaes - perfect, and only 99 cents!) and playtime in the playplace. the snacks were just the means to get them in the playplace. it was much too hot to play outside, and they needed to get some energy out.

- saturday night when jeremy came in from outside after he had mowed the lawn and thrown the burgers on the grill and said, "hey babe, you know when you step outside and it just smells like summer? that's coming from our house right now."

- saturday night burgers. we eat them bun-less, with grilled onions, homemade guacamole, ketchup, and mustard. yum.

- progress made on my embroidery project.

- sunday morning when we arrived at church to find that the air conditioning was broken. our church meets at a museum and worships in a window-less room on the fourth floor. it has been terribly hot and humid all weekend and was roasting in there. we left before the service even began.

- a griled chicken, strawberry, feta, pecan salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing. it's a sunday lunch favorite around here.

- paints and playdough.

- insect books read.

- plants watered.

- a short visit from some new friends and neighbors who are sadly moving away on friday.

there were also some temper tantrums, dramatic crying and screaming (thankfully from the kids, not jeremy or i), and time-outs.

but overall it was a good weekend. how was yours?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

new house tour {love's bedroom}

originally, this room was going to be love's bedroom and also the play room. all the toys are stored in this room and we don't really have room to store them elsewhere, so it just made sense to use this room as a playroom during the day. that didn't work so well. love needed her own space to keep things away from the hands of her little brother. we have recently added a baby gate to the doorway into the kitchen. that way, love can play alone in her room and also have her door open and feel like she is part of the family. this room has two doors, so she can easily go in and out of the other door if she wants to. 

everyone is happier with this arrangement. i brought one bin of toys into the living room for jobot and i rotate the toys a bit each day. i thought he would put up more of a fuss about not being able to go in her room, but he hasn't seemed to mind at all.

- this room is right off of the kitchen (can also be a con).
- has two doors.

- only one window, room usually feels quite dark.
- the walls have a lot of scratches/marks/holes, etc...
- one of the doors is very difficult to close.

and yes, love still sleeps in a crib. she is fine with the crib right now and so are we. when the time comes, it is going to be a difficult transition for all of us to a "big girl bed". maybe she will just stay in a crib until she moves out? ha.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


...drinking an iced coffee almost every mid-morning, around 10 (it's just coffee, ice, a splash of milk, and a few drops of stevia. delicious and refreshing).

...feeling a bit homesick for our old house.

...trying to stop saying "back home" when referring to grand rapids.

...eating and enjoying lots and lots of veggies.

...also really enjoying celery with peanut butter. and strawberries with peanut butter. and actually, pretty much anything with peanut butter.

...looking forward to a long weekend (thursday afternoon through monday morning!) with jeremy home.

...annoyed by the fly that keeps buzzing around me.

...thankful for a new incentive/discipline system for love that is working well (one week in).

...glad that love is having a great time at VBS this week. she really enjoys it, and i enjoy just hanging out with jobot during these mornings. this morning we made a crust for cheesecake. (i make this recipe, in case you want to try it. i don't make the chocolate sauce...we eat it with berries, or plain. it is delicious.)

...thankful that jeremy and i have been laughing together a lot lately. mostly because he is funny, but i think i can be pretty funny too.

...being entertained by jobot's growing vocabulary. he comes out with new words multiple times a day, most recently "costco", "bubble", "ouch" (thanks to his sister for teaching him that one) and "popsicle".

...looking at the new-to-us rug in our living room. i have wanted a rug in there ever since we moved in, but our budget for home decorating is basically zero at this point. and then we stopped at goodwill the other day and jeremy found a rug for $12. we decided we could handle that. and the colors match perfectly. (maybe people think it's gross to buy a rug at goodwill? doesn't smell, we vacuumed it, and it seems clean, so that's good enough for us.)

...reading the heart of parenting: raising an emotionally intelligent child. i don't agree with everything, but there is a lot of information i am appreciating and hope to incorporate into my parenting.

...dreaming about future career possibilities.

...really, really needing a hair cut but hesitant to get it cut by someone new. (one of the hardest things about lose all your people... hairdresser, mechanic, babysitter, etc...)

...enjoying the quiet of afternoon rest time at our house.

what are you up to lately?

Monday, August 5, 2013

sizing him up

the other day love was playing with her baby doll (an unusual occurrence as she almost always can be found playing with trains, cars, duplos, blocks, or her dumptruck or school bus).

the baby doll has several outfits and i helped her change the doll's clothes several times. eventually, i headed into the kitchen to get a few things done. i heard her mention something about jobot trying on the doll's diaper. next thing i knew, he came into the kitchen happily wearing the diaper around his ankle. she had attempted to put the diaper on over his clothes, but quickly came to the conclusion that it would never fit, so she had put it around his ankle instead. she was just glad that he was wearing it on some part of his body.

when your little brother is wearing size 3T clothes at 14 months of age and you still wear some 3T clothes yourself, i guess there are just compromises that have to be made when dressing him up.

obviously, our ten pound ten ounce newborn has remained large for his age. people frequently ask us how old he is and when we tell them, every single person says, "wow! he is big!". it's true, he is. we weighed the kids the other day. love weighed 33 pounds, jobot weighed 31.5. he will soon be larger than she is.

the most funny thing recently was when someone asked us if the kids are twins and we had to tell them that they are actually two years apart!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

i was *that mom* in the grocery store and other parenting confessions

when love was nine months old, i asked for and received a parenting book for christmas. the book was parenting with love and logic by cline and fay. i had heard all about love and logic and had seen it in action when i lived with friends in college who used it with their preschooler. jeremy and i had looked over the book in the bookstore, and after receiving it for christmas, we read it aloud together. for the most part we loved the book and the method and were sure that this was the parenting philosophy for us. even though love wasn't even one yet, we were determined to do our research and become the best parents that we could be. after reading that book, we felt like we were set with the tools we would need for the future.

now i look back on those new parents we were and find it all quite humorous. how naive we were to think that one book would be the only tool we would need for our parenting future!

this summer has felt like a mile marker in our life as parents and we have hit some big bumps in our parenting journey.

...there have been evenings where we got the kids in bed and then collapsed on the couch and shed a few tears because the bedtime routine did not go smoothly and we cannot figure out how to make it better because nothing that we try seems to work.

...there was the time i had the kids at the grocery store and i was that mom. the one whose kid was hitting her and pinching her and announcing to all the other shoppers in a sing-song voice that "i'm being rude to mommy!". and there was after that, when i got in the car and quietly cried all the way to pick jeremy up from work because i realized i felt so embarrassed and discouraged.

...there were several different strategies attempted to get love to clean up her toys with us in the evening. it has been very, very frustrating and is still unsuccessful at this point.

...there have been car rides where both kids are screeching and i finally join in and start yelling because i just can't take it anymore (that reaction does not help the situation, by the way).

...days when i have thought that surely my kids would be better off in daycare because at least they wouldn't have to spend all day with their frustrated mom.

...times when i've looked at the stack of parenting books i would like to read and wondered how i'm going to possibly read them because i am so busy parenting that i can't even find time to read books about how to do a better job!

...moments when i have wanted to scream because i just want to meet one of my needs (like going to the bathroom!) before meeting another need of one of my children.

...there has been lots of me saying i am sorry. and even being prompted..."mommy, are you going to say sorry to me because you yelled at me?"

i have learned that parenting is a very humbling adventure. the pre-parent me had lots of ideas about what kind of parent i would or would not be, how my kids would behave, how i would discipline them, and how they would respond to my methods. i would see parents at the grocery store with kids who were misbehaving and know that my kids would not behave that way in public.

i also knew that my kids wouldn't watch tv, would never eat happy meals, would eat whatever was served for dinner rather than having a special meal just for them, and wouldn't care about disney princesses.

well...clearly our kids don't always behave so well at the grocery store. we don't have a tv, but our kids watch a select few shows on netflix (thomas the tank engine, curious george, veggie tales, shawn the sheep, and love sometimes watches one of the disney fairy movies, in case you were wondering). they also eat the occasional happy meal...there is a reason why people stop at fast food restaurants with playgrounds on road trips, especially in the winter! sometimes i do cook a special meal just for them because i know they won't like what we are eating, and love has disney princess underwear because those were the underwear she chose as motivation for potty training.

it is easy to judge and criticize other parents, but the reality is that we are all at our own spot in this adventure, and our kids are all different. that mom in the grocery store with the kid throwing the tantrum? maybe things had been going well and she has suddenly hit a rough patch with her child. maybe she has a huge stack of parenting books from the library sitting on her nightstand that she is desperately trying to read to find help. and after she leaves the grocery store? she might just go to her car, strap her kid in the car seat, put all her groceries in the trunk, and then sit in the driver's seat and cry because she is so discouraged.

it is easy to feel discouraged as parents. especially when we are really trying our very best and nothing seems to be working. the last couple of months have been a huge learning curve for me. some of the things i am learning are new and some are things i started learning on day one as a parent (but am still working on almost three-and-a-half years later).

i am learning...

...that i need to always be seeking wisdom (from more than just one book...although i actually learned that long ago). i checked out a ton of parenting books from the library. they all have their own opinions, and often contradict each other (that is frustrating). i am learning to pull the bits and pieces that work for us and leave the rest. i have also sought wisdom from our parents and friends, as well as prayed for parenting wisdom a. lot.

...that what works for us doesn't necessarily work for other people, and what works for other people doesn't necessarily work for us. parents and kids are all different, so it makes sense that different combinations of each would need different techniques and approaches to be successful together.

...that my frustration with love is actually more because i don't know how to handle the situation than actually being frustrated with her behavior. as i have found practical tools that work, i feel less frustrated because i know how to respond to the behavior. to stay calm. the books all tell me that i need to stay calm and not lose my cool. that is a tough one for me, but i see so clearly that those books are right. having the right tools to deal with the behavior makes a huge difference here as well.

...learning about myself helps me become a better parent. i recently read a book (raising your spirited child by mary kurcinka) which confirmed that love is a spirited child and also that i am a spirited parent. this was helpful information as this explained a lot of the reasons why we seem to clash a lot and also brought my own temperament to my attention. (it was also interesting - and frightening - to see that love and i scored almost the same on the nine temperamental traits she uses to determine how spirited a person is. i guess she takes after her mom!). take time out for myself. this has been a hard one to figure out in the midst of moving to a new place and also jeremy's busy schedule. currently this looks like jeremy getting up with the kids and bringing me coffee in bed (isn't he wonderful?) so i can have half an hour of devotions before starting the day. this has made a big difference in my life and attitude. i will also be taking a day-long retreat in a couple of weeks when jeremy is off of work.

...positive time together between parent and child is very, very important, as is one-on-one time.

...that parenting is the greatest exercise in teamwork that exists. there's nothing quite like raising little wild humans to force jeremy and i to work together.

mostly what i have learned is that parenting shifts and changes based on time and developmental stages. it is a constant learning exercise and a constant recognition of my humanity and dependence on God.

obviously, these thoughts are all just my reflections on where i'm currently at with this whole parenting adventure. but...i hope that this post encourages someone out there who is discouraged or struggling as a parent. you are not alone. (i will probably even have to go back to this post to encourage myself!)

if today was your day in the grocery store? well...we've all been there. just like us, you are doing your best.

if you think that someone else is doing a better job with their kids than you are doing with yours? you and your children are unique and you are the best parent for your kids.

if you lost it and yelled at your child today? apologize and move on. you are a human and sometimes that happens. children are quick to forgive, they know you love them, and they still love you.

above our kitchen sink, i put the following verse (we also sang the song of this verse every evening after supper when i was growing up):
"the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (lamentations 3:22 - 23)

when i am making breakfast in the morning, it reminds me that God's mercies are new for me that day. i am given a fresh start. it encourages me to make the day a good one.

when i am cleaning up after the kids are in bed, i reflect on the day. usually, there are moments that i was short with the kids, i lost my cool, or i am disappointed in myself as a parent. that verse reminds me that i am loved despite my failures, that there are endless mercies to my seemingly endless failures, and that tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start.

that fresh start is there for all of us. there is hope for all of us. God will provide us with wisdom, he is present and working in our lives, and he wants us to be successful as parents.

i am so thankful for these two precious little humans who God has entrusted into our care. they are teaching me so much, and even though it is challenging, i am so thankful that i get to be their mama.

{and a special note about love...she is an amazing little girl. yes, challenging to discipline. but that is because she is so bright, energetic, and smart. she is witty, creative, friendly, funny, and very sweet and affectionate. she is a special little girl who is going to become a wonderful adult. i wouldn't trade her for anyone else!}