Tuesday, May 29, 2012


i've been spending lots of time snuggling with this little guy...

soaking up every minute and falling very much in love with him...

staring in awe and amazement at his perfectly formed little features...

and enjoying these days when he is teeny tiny...

i love this boy and his big sister with all my heart.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

our beautiful boy

a few more pics of our beautiful boy and our family...

getting weighed...we double checked to make sure he really weighed 10 lb 10 oz!

a peacefully sleeping baby.

 a happy big sister! so far, she is doing surprisingly well with this transition.

Monday, May 21, 2012

he's here!

our new little guy was born at 4:48 this afternoon after about 8 hours of labor. he was born at home (a planned homebirth) and weighed in at a whopping 10 lb 10 oz! he is 21.5 inches long and is doing great. more details to come when we are less exhausted...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

the waiting game...

we're playing the waiting game over here. still waiting for our little guy to arrive. there's no more room on my lap...

all of us - especially me - are getting very eager to meet him.

in other news...my hubby graduated from seminary today with his mdiv. i'm so proud of him! we are going to celebrate tonight. he still has two weeks of may term classes to take (starting on monday!), but for the most part, he is done. it's been a long road and we are thrilled to soon be moving on to the next stage of this journey.

Monday, May 14, 2012

mother's day

a lovely mother's day gift... running down the sand dunes with my little love...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"come out baby brother!"

i am officially very pregnant. i'm due tomorrow...mother's day! our girl has started saying, "come out baby brother!" there's hardly any room for her on my lap these days - whenever she tries to sit on my lap she constantly tries to scoot back and get comfy, but she doesn't fit. there's just no room!

while i really don't have a lot to complain about, i am feeling quite ready to have this baby out of my body! i am eager to have labor and birth behind me and be able to focus on getting to know this little guy. we are so eager to find out what he is like, how big he is, what he looks like, if he has hair... i'm also eager to be able to wear different clothes - i'm getting really tired of my three short sleeved maternity shirts.

we (finally - as of just the other day!) think we know what we are going to name him. everything is ready and the house is clean, so he can come any time.

in other news...

the little one did some bungee jumping...

and we've been trying to take advantage of being outside in between rainy days. yesterday we went for a long walk and played at the park. it was really warm and felt so good to be outside! today is rainy again, so we've been inside playing grocery store and trains.

we have a few tentative plans for spending mother's day together as a family. of course, we will be thinking of both of our moms as we go through the day tomorrow. 

my mom, who we are thankful we get to see often. she comes to visit us almost monthly and we really enjoy our time with her! she plays with karis, we go thrifting, she cooks yummy food, we play games, and she gets karis out of bed in the morning so we can sleep in. this mother's day, as i am uncomfortably nine months pregnant, i am especially thankful for what she went through to bring me into this world!

and jeremy's mom, who went to be with jesus a little over a year ago. we miss her everyday and think of her all the time. we tell our daughter about her and we remember her love for jeremy's dad and all of her children and grandchildren. at the end of this pregnancy, i think of her as well and what she went through to bring jeremy into this world. most days, it is still hard to believe that she is gone. our lives are not the same without her.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

dutch baby

we usually have pancakes for breakfast on saturday morning. it's just our tradition. we get up, jeremy makes coffee, i have tea, and little one and i mix up the batter and make pancakes. this last saturday, i decided to shake things up a bit and make something i've been wanting to try for awhile...a dutch baby. i've never had one before. it was so easy, and so delicious. we all loved it! it will definitely be made again.

i put together a recipe from several that i found on the internet. here's how to make one...


2 TB butter
4 eggs
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup milk (i used whole, raw milk, but you can probably use any kind?)
apple slices (optional)
cinnamon (optional)

1. preheat the oven to 475 F. put butter in cast iron pan (from what i have read online, you can also use a glass pyrex dish if you don't have cast iron) and put it in the oven to let the butter melt.

2. while butter is melting, slice up an apple. after butter is melted, turn the oven down to 425 F, remove pan from oven and put the apple in. sprinkle with cinnamon. put back in the oven until the apples are slightly softened.

3. while apples are softening, mix together eggs, flour, and milk. take pan out of oven, pour flour/egg/milk mixture over apples and place pan back in oven.

4. bake 20 to 25 minutes. can be served with lemon juice, maple syrup, and/or powdered sugar.