Saturday, December 24, 2011

merry christmas!

happy christmas eve! 

we are visiting with family in wisconsin for the holiday. we had a good drive over here. the first night was rough. our little one was awake from 12 - 5 am and we could not get her back to sleep. we ended up heading out into the 18 degree weather around 4:30 am and taking a drive around the city to finally get her to sleep. it worked. and last night was significantly better, so things are looking up. 

this afternoon i made our family's traditional christmas dessert. it's a 9x13 pan with a layer of oreo crust, then a layer of peppermint ice cream, topped by homemade chocolate sauce. yum. my girl and i had a great time smashing all the oreos this morning and then i put it all together this afternoon while she's been napping. it's not the healthiest of desserts...but if there's a day we can splurge, i think it's christmas.

tonight will be our little family gift exchange and tomorrow morning there will be a service of lessons and carols at church. how exciting to again be celebrating the birth of our savior.

merry christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

play kitchen

in my last blog post, i mentioned that we made a christmas gift for our little girl. we made her a little play kitchen!

over the summer, i decided that our little girl needed to have a play kitchen. after researching wooden kitchens online (expensive!), and coming across several cabinets turned into play kitchens on the internet, i was inspired to create a kitchen for her.

we found the perfect cabinet at a used furniture store in september. it was exactly what i had in mind and it cost $43. over the last week, jeremy and i transformed it into a little kitchen and it's just perfect for her.

here's a before picture:

jeremy used our jigsaw to make a circle in the top to hold the "sink" (an old metal dog food dish that we had in our basement). we attached the sink with caulk. i bought two small wooden plaques and a package of wooden toy wheels at the craft store and painted them red for the burners and oven and sink knobs. i drilled holes into the cabinet and installed them. the knobs really turn, which makes them extra fun. i was stumped for a bit about how to make a faucet, until i came across a metal drawer pull at the local hardware store that looks very much like a faucet. it fits in perfectly.

and that is our daughter's kitchen. i love that it is simple, leaves a lot up to the imagination, is wood instead of plastic, has a lot of character, and doesn't take up a lot of space in our house.

cabinet: $43
sink: free
wooden plaques for the burners:  $1.58
package of wooden wheels: $3
caulk: $5
paint: free (already had it)
drawer pull for faucet: $3.50

total cost: about $56.50

to go along with this gift, we also invested in some wooden pots, pans, and plates and some wooden pretend jars of condiments. i started making felt food in the summer, so by the time we gave her this gift, i had made quite a collection. i will have to take a photo of all of the food (there's a lot!), but she has a chicken, baked potato, lots of fruits and veggies including an amazing banana, an ice cream cone with four different flavors of ice cream, an assortment of breakfast foods, a s'more, a donut, and a pop tart (organic and sweetened with honey, of course - haha!), some sandwich fixings, and a few more things i am sure i'm forgetting. her food is in wooden crates that fit inside of the cupboards (we already had the wooden crates).

of course, at the last minute, i decided that she really needed an apron to wear while she cooks, so i sewed one (i just made it up and it turned out to be really cute). i used fabric i had in my stash. i also made a little felt potholder and two napkins. we couldn't wait to give her the kitchen (and we've also been trying to spread her gifts out a bit), so we set up the kitchen so it was all ready for her when she got up from her nap on sunday.

all set up for her to see when she got up from her nap.
and her little table set... (sorry about the lighting, it was getting dark outside)

i brought her downstairs and she was SO excited. it made this mama and daddy very happy to see such a happy girl! she has hardly stopped cooking since. what fun!

our happy little cook!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


it's been rather quiet on the blog these days. although this month has been quite busy, in many ways i have been trying to slow down and enjoy the season. now that jeremy is done with finals, it is much easier to slow down and we have been enjoying an abundance of family time.

last night i made pizza and we watched part of miracle on 34th street while we ate. our first family movie night. it really felt like fun, special, christmas time together. and i tried a new technique with my pizza crust and it was agreed that it was the best pizza i have ever made.

jeremy and i made a christmas gift for our little one. pictures will be shown on the blog when i get around to uploading them. we are very proud of it.

we have been doing advent devotions most nights after dinner. it is a special family time, although it is sometimes quite chaotic depending on the little one's mood. we close devotions every night by singing her favorite song, "hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah!"

i think i'm out of energy to write much else, but at least that's a little update on things here. i hope you are having a good advent season as well.