Tuesday, April 30, 2013

currently enjoying...

...a cup of coffee every morning. i've never been someone who has to have a cup of coffee every morning, but since the little guy was born, i have come to rely on that cup of coffee to get going in the morning.

...all the things i crossed off my to-do list this afternoon.

...a house that smells like spring thanks to three hyacinths from the backyard that are now on our dining room table. jeremy picked them for me after he got home from work last night. (when he is home, they have to go out on the porch because they irritate his allergies...but i have been enjoying them today while he is at work).

...opening the windows and wearing short sleeves, shorts, and sandals! spring has arrived!

...spending time outside with our two amazing little humans. finding bugs, digging in the sand, walking in the woods, swinging at the park, and watching them learn.

...stories on cd. i recently purchased two of these ("frog and toad" and "francis") for love to listen to during her "rest time" in the afternoons. she rarely sleeps but usually spends some quiet time in her room. they are perfect for her to listen to while she lays in her bed for a rest, and she really looks forward to listening to them.

...knowing that my new glasses will be arriving in the mail soon. i found out last week that my suspicion that i need glasses is correct, so soon i will be sporting a new spectacled look. the time has come for me to be a full time glasses wearer. it's only fitting as i will be turning 30(!) in june. i look forward to less eye strain and clearer vision (though it is going to be take some time for me to be at peace with the idea of having to wear glasses all the time).

...counting down the number of days jeremy has left to work. we will have three weeks together {they will be crazy, but together} to move and get a little bit settled before he starts his chaplain training.

...looking forward to our trip to south carolina (two weeks from today we will be there). just the two of us! (not looking forward to leaving the kiddos...but they will be well taken care of by grandma and aunt kate).

...the bin of sand on our front porch. love plays with it for hours at a time.

...watching the trees bud and the flowers grow.

...love's little words for things. examples: fridge-u-lator (refrigerator), and oapmeal (oatmeal).

...how clean our house usually is since it is on the market (i'm trying to look on the bright side here, because really i just find that all stressful).

...these energy bars. i made them the other day and oh, they are so good. they remind me of seven layer bars, only they are healthy.

...just feeling better overall. no sugar, no wheat, and fewer carbs = a healthier, more energetic, and more content me. it's a good trade.

...the fact that a guy came and looked at our roof, said that our roof looks great, that the leak was from an area that needed to be resealed, and did it for free in about ten minutes! i, of course, was preparing for the worst, so when the guy gave us the good news, i could have hugged him!

...dreaming of the possibilities that come with moving to a new city...meeting new people, making a new house into our home, exploring a new city, and getting a fresh outlook on life. (i do know that there will be difficult times as well, and there are certainly plenty of people who we love and will miss after we move).

...my new sandals (and the very low price we paid thanks to jeremy's job). they are very comfortable.

...the fact that it is the last day of april. i am welcoming may with open, adventurous arms.

what are you enjoying these days?

Monday, April 22, 2013


jobot hit the eleven month mark yesterday. eleven!

he also officially took his first steps! over the last week he started taking a little step here and there, but yesterday was taking 5 - 6 steps at a time. it won't be long and he will be toddling all over, just in time for summer. it is so fun to watch him learn to walk, he is so proud of himself. i am proud of him too, but i will admit that seeing him walk makes my heart hurt just a bit...a reminder that he will only be a baby for a bit longer. i'm going to treasure the days, even in the midst of the craziness of our life right now.

p.s. tomorrow evening we have our third showing on the house. will you pray with us that the third time is the charm? we are praying for a house selling miracle!

Friday, April 19, 2013


the reality of life right now is that i am stressed. very, very stressed.

our house is on the market. we had one showing on wednesday. trying to keep the house neat while you have two little kids is just close to impossible, but i did it. the people who looked at it decided not to buy it. there isn't much interest in the house. we will likely rent it. it is stressful to think of the logistics of renting, though it does seem to be a good option considering the circumstances.

just this morning we noticed that there seems to be a leak in our roof...the wood that covers the scuttle hole (i just learned that term...thanks google) to the attic was wet. it appears there is a small amount of water getting in just above that. so...now we have calls out to roofing companies to get estimates for repair. we both kind of felt like we wanted to throw up...i still kinda feel that way. it just feels like one thing after another and our resources to fix things are limited at this point.

we don't know where we are going to be living after we move. it looks like jeremy and i are going to go to south carolina in mid-may to scope out our options and hopefully find somewhere to live when we move there a few weeks later. even though our time there will be very task-oriented, we are looking forward to getting away for a few days together. as much as we can, we are going to try to make it feel like a little vacation. i don't think it will take much...just the thought of driving in a car together and having uninterrupted conversation for approximately fourteen hours sounds like a vacation to me.

jeremy's work schedule is just crazy these days. working all kinds of weird hours. he will only be working there for three more weeks after this one. we can definitely handle three more weeks of this craziness. once he starts working in south carolina, he will work a normal monday through friday schedule, with occasional turns being on call. i can hardly wait to be on a normal schedule. i think it is going to really help all of us.

parenting in the midst of all of this is quite a challenge...it's hard to keep patience and maintain a calm atmosphere when inside we both feel totally stressed out.

my mom is coming for the weekend and will be arriving soon. it will be really nice, especially since jeremy is working all weekend.

one kid is napping, the other is in her crib counting to thirteen at the top of her lungs (thirteen is as high as she can get). i should probably go get her up. she will be excited to see grandma when she arrives!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

april showers...may flowers

if april showers really do bring may flowers, we will be overtaken with flowers by the time may gets here. for who knows how many days, it rained every. single. day. when i began writing this post (about three days ago), there was a rain/snow mix coming down outside and jeremy and i couldn't remember the last time we saw the sun. it was really exciting when the sun peeked out for a bit yesterday morning, and the sun has been shining all day today. the grass is really green, flowers are starting to pop up, and trees are starting to bud! it has been a cold, wet spring so far, and we were so ready to get outside yesterday.

the kids and i spent over four hours at our local botanical gardens. it was mostly cloudy and there was a cool breeze, but we were outside and we loved every second! we walked around the paths outside and stopped for snack time. we marveled at the flowers peeking through the dirt, chased a canadian goose (love: "goose. what you doing? i want to know what you are doing!"), and befriended a few bugs along the way. i giggled when love saw a large patch of grass and ran around on it joyfully yelling, "grass! grass! grass!" (you know your kids have been stuck inside for too long when that happens!).

i took great joy in watching love play on the playground. it has a shaky bridge that kids can walk across and i saw her approach it and then stop right on the edge. she took one step onto the bridge and then clung to the railing with all her might. she looked terrified. there were a lot of older, rowdy kids running around and she tends to be a bit timid in those situations anyway. kids ran by her and several times they pulled one of her hands free from the railing so they could run by, or they unintentionally shoved her out of the way. the bridge bounced up and down as they ran across and she just stood there, petrified. it was all i could do not to run up there and help her across, but i knew she could figure it out on her own, so i just quietly observed. she eventually looked over at me and i gave her a big smile and some words of encouragement, but otherwise i just watched. that was hard for me. and then...she slowly started across, and made it all the way to the other side! a huge grin spread across her face and i could almost see her self-confidence grow. i was so proud of her!

all of that was fun, but we spent most of our time in the huge sandbox. go figure...a large, beautiful botanical garden complex that i'm sure cost millions upon millions of dollars to create, and the kids could care less about all that...give them a big pile of sand and they are happy. love was happy to play with her little construction vehicles...she made up stories and narrated right along with her play. at one point, i heard her call, "excavator, come over here. i have a very special job for you to do!"

jobot puttered around, running the sand through his fingers and every once in awhile looked up at me with adoring eyes like he was saying, "i can't believe you are letting me play in this. it is amazing! thank you! thank you!"

it was such a good time. i love watching them learn and explore. i'm so glad they enjoy simple things like dirt and bugs. and i'm so happy that they were both covered in dirt by the time we left. i think that the more dirt on their bodies at the end of the day, the better the day was. i am really excited for this summer - they are both going to be at such fun ages. i think we have a lot of bathtub rings in our future.